Daily Mail on Snapchat

Greta Klammer
Inside the News Media
2 min readApr 25, 2016

In a society where Social Media seems like the only way to reach people under the age of 25, it’s important for news outlets to stay relevant. When I first joined snapchat to keep up with the same people I keep up with on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, I was quite surprised that snapchat suggested to me to watch Daily Mail’s snapchat story as well as a collection of various people having brunch.

I began to wonder if watching the Daily Mail’s snapchat story can be considered as “keeping up with the news” or not. Even though one could argue if reading the Daily Mail can be considered as “keeping up with the news”, but that’s a different story.

After opening the story I was again surprised by how similar the layout was to an actual newspaper or tabloid.

So I guess if you are interested in the kind of news the Daily Mail is publishing, snapchat is an easy way to keep up with. As you can see in the picture on the left you are shown the headline and if you are interested there is an option to read the whole article on the Daily Mail website (www.dailymail.co.uk).

Once you decided which news are the important one you want to keep up with, you can follow the relevant news outlet on snapchat and whenever you a minute of time you can spent your time on snapchat useful instead of watching funny cat videos.

