David Cameron Allegedly Cried

Marcel Soukup
Inside the News Media
1 min readJun 29, 2016

News when there’s nothing to report about

After the Brexit Referendum, I was interested in its outcome so I checked my News Feed. After finding out the majority voted for leaving the European Union, I read the article following the one presenting the results. It was subtitled to inform me what consequences the Brexit has but it was about David Cameron, who allegedly cried after the results and after resigning.

Why bother?

I tend to doubt that there are too many people really interested in it but people are curious and — more than that — impatient. Breaking News are never there because that’s the only way to transmit all important information. It’s there because people want to feel like they’re as well informed as possible. No, actually more than that. There is no more information. But people are willing to click on anything new, so they even read articles on crying prime ministers.

I tend to read all of those articles, too because they keep providing me with ideas for my posts, but what else is the sense in that?

