Even freedom of expression?

Ana Prieto Rodríguez
Inside the News Media
2 min readNov 24, 2016

Media concern about the triumph of Donald Trump in the US election is prominent, but this concern is logic when it comes to their field: media freedom.

After countless articles and news predicting the loss of Donald Trump in the elections against Clinton and also many others talking about their politics and their character (which was described as racist, misogynist, sexist and so on) the relationship between press and the actual president of the US was not too friendly.

In fact, only the tweet published by Donald Trump after winning the elections, which referred to how the media encourage US citizens not to vote him, show up that the victory of Trump wasn’t a good for media press. The opinion of Donald Trump about the media is known for everyone, during his campaign he mocked journalists, and even he ridiculed and threatened some of them, making the environment a little tense between them.

This generated fear and concern about the worry of losing something as basic and valuable as freedom of expression, fear that just by writing an article giving your opinion on a specific issue could bring you problems. This cannot be stand in a country like the US, a democratic country where there are a large list of civil right where we can find freedom as a basic one. Would that go a long way if we called it authoritarianism? I do not think so. Although it seems very strong, this situation could be similar to the situation in other countries (Egypt, Turkey or Russia) where control over the media leaves aside freedom of expression.

This fear was notable in the Committee to Protect Journalists, which had a dinner in New York where they talk about this issue. A motivating speech about fighting for a free and trustful press was the most important moment of this dinner, where important journalists were remembered for being threatened only for doing their job. This speech makes journalists be aware of how precious is freedom and that they have to defend it.

Media in the US will be terribly affected if Trump’s politics and ideas come along. A country without a trustful press cannot be a free country.

