Ever heard of Atlantic Resolve?

Steve Laszlo Roemer
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

Last tuesday, via whatts app, I was sent an article by an acquintance of mine. The headline was something like „The United States are preparing for World War III“. I had never heard of the website where the article was published and ,usually, refrain from checking alleged news which proclaim the end of the world. This time, though, i decided to read through it, bordedom was probably the reason.

The article stated that roughly 2000 tanks and 4000 Marines are on their way to the eastern frontier and the harbour of Bremen serves as a place of transshipment. Immediately, Idismissed the validity of this information, nevertheless, I decided to google „US-Truppenbewegungen Deutschland“ (roughly translated to as US troop movements Germany). To my horror, the information i just had dismissed turned out to be exactly true, and so I stumbled upon „Operation Atlantic Resolve“.

Basically, the NATO, under the leadership oft he USA, has been and still is transfering tons of military equipment and thousands of ground troops to the russian border. In fact, this is the largest troop movement since the end of the Cold War.

Officially, the deployment is an act of deterrence and represents a reaction to the Russian annexation of the crimea.

I do not want to panic and I certainly do not know about the true facts about the crimean war, however, without a doubt, I know that the situation is more complex than is presented and covered by the news (good NATO and evil Russia…). Anyway the main thing is, that I am worried when I hear about 2000 tanks being shipped to the eastern border, that I am enraged when the german government is aiding this operation and that I am seriously startled being informed about it all via whatts app.

To clarify my point, I, without having the smalles interest, know that Gina-Lisa Lohfink and Icke Hässler are taking part in the „Dschungelcamp“, I heard about Michi Schumacher being abandoned by his sponsors but I did not know about Atlantic Resolve. This is madness!

A free and democratic press should force such information on the population, or am I just uninformed and everyone else knows about „Atlantic Resolve“ and either approves of this act or is oblivious to it?



