Everyone should be reading Teen Vogue!

Connie W
Inside the News Media
2 min readDec 14, 2016

A few days ago the magazine Teen Vogue published an article about how Trump is gaslighting America. The article was written by Lauren Duca and it clearly portrayed that Trump became President-elect with nothing but lies, he virtually bullshitted himself into the White House. And he is still constantly lying or distracting people from the things that are really going on. Especially since it has become a fact that Russia was somehow involved in the US elections. Imagine this would have happened thirty years ago. Just imagine the outcry or even the consequences. It would have been fatal. But currently this piece of information is just floating through news media without actually making big headlines. And Trump is, once again, trying to lie himself out of this scandal. Or rather keeping it from becoming a big scandal in the first place.

And now, here I am, reading the article on Teen Vogue’s site wondering why a magazine for teenagers is doing a better job at reporting about Trump than any of the big news media agencies and papers, like the New York Times, do? Teen Vogue is a magazine that usually writes about beauty, fashion, boy/girl things and other things mostly young girls are interested in. Politics is definitely not one of their main journalistic areas. Lauren Duca portrayed the current situation perfectly and even offered suggestions on what to do about Trump destroying the American democracy. Maybe it is time to stop turning to the mainstream newspapers to get the high quality news we want to read but rather read Teen Vogue, since they are actually taking their jobs are journalists seriously. It’s also time to stop underestimating the power of young women and girls who read this magazine or write for it. They are doing a very good job covering politics additionally to their usual topics.

