Final Reflection Post

Marie Jost
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 7, 2017

To be honest, when I heard that we had to write regular Blog Posts in order to pass the course Inside the News Media, I was a little sceptic to say the least. During our studies of English and culture we learn how to write academically including proper formatting, citation style and a clear thesis. But the requirements and expectations for writing within this course were totally different:
We were allowed to write about almost any topic loosely related to the media, while things such as register or style could be neglected to some extent. This form was completely new for me and at first I didn’t know how to deal with it.
I often have the feeling that although you can choose the topic for your term paper yourself, you still have to do so within the limits the instructor has given you. And for the most part these do not leave much space for personal freedom or creativity. With this course we had limits as well, but as I already mentioned there were not nearly as strict, which I learnt to appreciate.
I have to admit that I struggled to find a topic for my first Blog Post and that I was quite nervous, when I finally posted it after reading and checking it for mistakes a hundred times. But this improved a lot with time. So one could say, this course has helped me to become a bit more relaxed and open when it comes to sharing my thoughts online.
I never considered myself to be the “blogging-type” of person (if such thing even exists). That doesn’t mean that I don’t like to share and express my ideas, I just prefer doing so in my own comfortable environment, because this is easier for me, when I have direct feedback during a conversation.
To sum it up, I have to say that I really enjoyed this course and the task at hand, because it was something different for once and because I have the feeling that I really learned something for myself outside of university.

