Former prisoner as president — well done, FC Bayern Munich!

Katharina Lantzsch
Inside the News Media
2 min readNov 27, 2016

Again, I am about to edit something about soccer. As you might already know, it seems hard to get around NOT getting in touch with soccer news in German news media.

„The patriarch is back“ wrote this Saturday. There are several things which totally raise my anger when reading this headline. Uli Hoeneß as a „father“ of the FC Bayern Munich family? And I thought a father should be some kind of a role model, someone to look up to, someone to be proud of….how could I?

So, let’s face it: about 98% of the FC Bayern members voted in favor for Uli Hoeneß as their new president. Besides the fact that there were no other candidates to be elected, people,… did you forget what he did in 2013? Tax evasion of more than 3,5 Million Euro and only after half a year in prison he was granted day release and had to return to prison at 6 p.m. Please do not forget that he spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve at home as well every year. Only one year after his arrest he could even spend the whole weekends at home with his family. Shortly after, his probation period began and he no longer had to spend a minute in prison. His term of imprisonment was divided in half…oh, and he was able to work for the FC Bayern Munich Junior Team the whole time, too.

Dear district court, whom’s leg are you trying to pull?? How is it to justify, that a person who betrayed the whole state with such an enormous amount, is able to have all of these legal advantages? I think the answer is quite usual and obvious: it is because of his MONEY!

Everyone might have his/her own opinion on legal decisions in Germany, but I personally think that nowadays you can only trust on money, not on law (as can be seen in several other cases). Isn’t that poor? And even more: isn’t that UNFAIR? No „usual German citizen“, may it be teacher or butcher, who have had evaded such a high amount of taxes would get the same sentece as Uli Hoeneß did. For this, I am sure.

I am so disappointed of the FC Bayern Munich members and also of those fans who celebrate yesterday’s decision (believe me, according to the TV news, there are many!). I know, that Hoeneß seemed to be an excellent manager for Bayern Munich for a number of years. I know, that he is just a human being as you and me and that everyone is doing mistakes. But if we do so, wouldn`t it be fair for every German to have the same laws and penalties? Why should someone like him be president again?

I can only shake my head on the decision of such an successful association…in the end, there might be some of your money within the evaded 3,5 Million, dear FC Bayern Munich friends.

Source: (27/11/2016)

