Great experience!

Laura González Carreiro
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

Sometimes the fact of living for a few months in a different country (whose official language is totally new for you), stepping outside your comfort zone, being at a different academic level than German students is really really hard. But there will always be worthwhile reasons to go on a Erasmus.

When I did my registration for the semester and realised that the University offered me the opportunity of attending this seminar, I became really excited. Although I study Translation and Interpretation, I have always dreamed about devoting myself to Media’s World. Therefore, these 8 am sessions have allowed me to acquire a little bit more knowledge about this world in a funny and interactive way: fresh videos, discussions and Greoffrey’s humor.

In addition, all what I have learnt has had a real influence on my life. My way of seeing the different social networks has totally changed, especially when we talk about Facebook; now I can appreciate what kind of strategies are behind this platform. And it was not only a subject matter learning but something that has changed myself, my self-confidence. I would have never imagined that I could be able to write, or try at least, one post every other week and analize different aspects of the news. Thus, this task has given to me confidence as well as the fact that, despite the awful English level that Spain has, my skills are much more developed than I thought at the begining of the course.

Thank you Geoffrey for this great experience! I honestly wish you the best and…

“…don’t forget to bring your snacks and friends!”


