How a University Course changed my Life

Greta Klammer
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 22, 2016

Ten weeks into this semester and I am more aware of what is going in the world than ever!

When I first started my media centred seminar “Inside the News Media” I wouldn’t know anything about recent news stories, simply because I wasn’t interested in The News or The Media in general. And because of that writing blog post as a media critique every other week was quite the challenge for me. But taking this course and being more or less forced to read up on the news and think about the media I was hooked. I became aware of how important it is to think wider than just reading articles on Buzz Feed or your average yellow press. Finding topics to write about became easier too, which made writing blog post feeling less like a burden.

As someone who at first wasn’t interested in the news at all and then learnedd how the industry really works, I think that we should still not forget that even though the media industry can be quite manipulative at times, that it is still doing an important job. I think if media outlets like the big newspapers and TV news shows weren’t there and people had to rely on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter they wouldn’t be quite as informed as they are now! Even though many people aren’t at all interested in the news, they are still important for our society. Without the news our society would sink into chaos.

I’d like to think my life has changed and that I am now a person who is well informed and able to tell if I’m manipulated by the media industry or not. I hope I will keep that up when this semester ends in a few weeks, but we will see…

