How Relaxing It Is to Escape the News and Other Media (for a While)

Josh Ziegler
Inside the News Media
2 min readMay 11, 2016

I find it quite painful to come up with a decent blog entry about news, as I haven’t checked my usual resources as frequently as I usually do these past two weeks. But since I am obliged to write something, here is my personal experience of last weekend — three days without news. And by that I truly mean 100% absence of my phone, laptop, magazines, anything of the sort.

I spent the weekend in Berlin watching bands play, hanging out with friends, eating gross food and sleeping on a rather uncomfortable couch. While this already sounds promising, the best thing about it was that I didn’t have my phone with me. Most of you probably know the weird urge to reach for your best friend aka. the electronical device which fits in your pocket and outruns the PC your parents had in their office 15 years ago. Most of the times you wouldn’t even need it. But you know, whatsapp. And while you’re at it, why not just check facebook and an online news magazine as well. Something that will bother you for the rest of the day is bound to have happened. Now, you might not believe me because the empty space in your pocket makes you feel like you’re missing an important piece of your body. But dear God, I felt like I was living the 21st century western civilisation’s defintion of freedom. I had three days of enjoying conversation, meeting new people and old friends and being able to concentrate on what’s happening around me. To make it comprehendable for tumblr enthusiasts, this is what I mean:

I didn’t mean to actually do the tumblr reference but it took me 2 seconds to find this picture. Proves my point.

Anyway, you have probably heard all of this before so I am not going to elaborate. Just try it out if you haven’t already, I can highly recommend it from time to time. No news, no messages, no new funny facebook videos. Made my weekend worth the horrible traffic jams. Ever had a similar experience? Cool, let me know. Or don’t. Idk.

Speaking of recommendations: I figured I’ll recommend music at the end of every blog entry from now on, starting with my friends in Cool Living from home sweet home Mainz City:

(How hard can it be for medium to show an embedded player? Basic html? Can somebody help me, please?)

