How to beat the idiocy of summer’s days

Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 14, 2016

First of all, this article isn’t really up to date anymore, I posted it on a wrong account a few weeks ago…

Is it you, Sommerloch? One is inclined to believe so while reading my favourite story of today on gmx about a rich family traveling the globe

lenghty and exhaustingly the article describes how the young family came into wealth and how they now live their dream of visiting exotic places ( and obviously showning their children what a normal, stable, day to day life does look like)

loads and loads of pictures showing them on beaches and cuddling happily, concluded by the wisdom of the multi million dollar father and husband : “one doesn’t need much to be happy!” well, a few millions seem to help.

Isn’t it good that there are absolutely no other news around?

Oh wait. I wasn’t quite fair.

There is an article about the turkish government’s reaction to the terrible attack on the Istanbul Airport yesterday. To be honest, there are a lot of them, about the ongoing investigations and the victims, about the political impact of this attack. I was quite impressed while reading them

There are in fact busloads of articles about the different aspects of yesterday’s attack. People are shocked and hungry for informations, and that is mirrored in the news section of gmx and friends. The reality of what is going on around us seems to have burst the bubble of willfull ignorance.

Sure, there are still a few silly articels about crazy german politicians jumping onto the Brexit-train and rich people doing boring stuff, but even the a few days ago seemingly omnipresent soccer-news are nearly vanished or at least banned to the nether realm of sports news where they belonged from the beginning. There is a measurable shift of focus. Brexit, Terror in Europe, sanctions against Russia- it seems like 2016 won’t get boring during the summer month, and people are finally starting to realize it.

Did we beat the Sommerloch? Did we break the cirklejerk of endless soccer and celebrity nonsense? To be honest, I’m a bit afraid of that. Given the circumstances, this is a very pyrrhic victory.

Like a famous Berliner once said: „There is a Chinese curse which says, ‘May he live in interesting times.’ Like it or not, we live in interesting times…“

