Inside the News Media
3 min readMay 11, 2016


Americas #whitewashed hollywood

Recently I saw this video on Facebook, recommended to me from someone I barely know, however, who seems to always recommend serious stuff. I was immediately appalled!!! Sure enough, who would not be? I researched and found further videos as the one above theorizing on whitewashed America…I mean, it is not exactly a subjective and professional video but it seems like a well-made point. It also reminded me about the story of the Oscars… Do you remember? I believe this photo might help you remember…

The Oscar Nominees Luncheon 2016 (Credit: AMPAS/NEWSPIX INTERNATIONAL)

… as the argument was that the majority of nominated persons only included white people, while the minority (or as it would soon be said: none) were African-American. I find this particularly interesting as this was a huge issue brought all over the news everywhere, while the video above has never been mentioned within the news media? Which opens up the question of why should one “forgotten” minority be more important then the other? Or why has one been an international affair, while the other is not? These are question I certainly cannot answer but I think are worth discussing.

On the one hand I have to admit I am not much of an Oscar junkie nor do I care much about celebrity. I do have this promiflash thing cause I like to be up to date but I have enough to handle in my own life then to be wondering about other´s people´s life. Thus I might not be the right person to judge the validity of the argument that there were indeed enough “other” options. If there were, then yes, this is definitely something to think about. If not, then this might just be something the News Media found, as Germans would say : “ein gefundenes Fressen”, because to be honest, a racial issue during the Oscars, now that really gets the quotes up and running. This, however, still leaves open the question as to why concentrate on African-Americans why not Asian? If we can believe the video, then this is just as much an issue, is it not? Again, I am no professional…. First of all, I don´t watch much animated movies (Animes, etc. …). Secondly, I have never paid attention to this. Now you could argue that I am ignorant or you could say that I just consider everyone equal thus I don´t pay attention. Either way, it doesn´t answer the question why this has not become an issue. A possibilty would be to use the theories, which we have learned in class. For example the propaganda model … Think about the economic ties that America has, especially with China, would they really want to start a public debate on the representation of racial minorities in the US?

I really hope to hear some arguments from your side on this issue as I found it quite interesting and because I think that this is exemplary for further issues.

