Gloria Heller
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 29, 2016


II Volume: Brexit ; A Whole Nation is left stunned……

The British people have voted OUT of the EU and all of a sudden a whole nation is left stupefied?

I dont know about you but I am sick and tired of the same news item everywhere one tunes into, BREXIT. How can the world’s no.1 democracy cry wolf after just a few hours of exercising its basic (human right?).

Being black, having grown up less privileged and having been made to believe that everything that comes out of the western world has to be the best, leaves me with a wee feeling of (mundane) triumph, that not all that glitters is gold after all.

How can a country of “educated”, well spoken folks not read between the lines in this 21st century that globalization is the way forward?

Great Britain has thrown itself into a state of pandemonium, because some of its’ people still live in the stone age, believing they can cordon themselves off from the rest of the “undeserving” world? I am curious to see how the other 27 EU member states will handle this “prodigal” child. This drama is just starting to unfold and the whole world will watch one of the self-adjudged “greats” go down in history.

It is not as if anyone cares in anyway or that we as human beings ever learn from our mistakes. USA is heading in the same direction and Americans are enjoying the comedy show with Mr Trump until they end up like their fellow allies, who in my opinion were in a state of unforced hibernation, hmmmm

