Inside the News Media: a reflection.

Julia Altenkirch
Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 12, 2016

The seminar Inside the News Media gave me the chance to look at my own consumption of news with a different angle. It helped me to become aware of the impact and consequences of media in different areas, which is a great change as I have not cared much about these before. I really enjoyed reading the blog entries of my fellow students, it was really interesting to see different perspectives and argumentations concerning news media. By creating my own blog entries and by reviewing and commenting the blog entries of the others, I became a media-critic for the first time.

Now, I just want to sum up some positive and negative points about the course. First of all, I really liked the topic itself. It is highly relevant and has a direct reference to our daily life. Moreover, I liked the course because it made be become aware of looking critically at news and not to believe everything said in the news. Finally, the course climate was pleasing as it was really interactive. To start with a point I did not like that much, I have to admit that it was quite hard for me to come up with a new topic every 2 weeks. However, I have to say that this started to make fun. Maybe this was the best way — to be forced to do so — than recognising that it is actually fun — and perhaps go on doing so (if something interesting comes to my mind). It felt refreshing to just write about something without preparing references and a research question, etc. Moreover, I liked the platform and I can image using it in class when I work as a teacher.

