Is Facebook really as important as we think it is?

Greta Klammer
Inside the News Media
1 min readJul 13, 2016

Over the course of the semester we talked a whole lot about facebook and how media outlets use it and how influrential it is. But is it really?

For our generation facebook is really important and everybody uses it. But over the last couple of years I noticed a difference. More and more of my aunts and uncles and family friends sent me friends requests on facebook but there were none of their children who are like 10 years younger than I am. I began to wonder who uses facebook nowadays and how. The answer seems to be more people over 35 and less people under the age of 20.

Begin the social media addict I am, I also have a twitter and an instagram account. And I can’t not notice that those social media pages have everything first and facebook is the last place to recieve the news. Often enough the post regarding news stories, whether it be hard or soft news, are just links to the twitter account where you can find the whole story.

I guess what I am trying to say is that facebook may or may not lose its importance soon, because younger people simply do not join it anymore. Maybe that is why facebook is currently buying every social media company they can get their hands on.

