It is all about Trump and Fake News

Skarlett Müller
Inside the News Media
3 min readJan 18, 2017

Since president-elect Donald Trump’s first press conference in six months the news is saturated with articles concerning the topic of fake news. From day to day the term fake news is gaining in importance and therefore, pushing the actual news into the background. Now Donald Trump is not only the president-elect, moreover he is the representative of fake news.

Trumps newest favorite word “fake news” arose due to the accusations that he is maintaining good relations with Russia. As a result, Trump used in most of his tweets concerning these allegations the term fake news.

In addition to that, Trump put the focus of his press conference on his newest favorite phrase. He denied CNN reporter Jim Accosta to ask questions during his press conference with the justification: “you are fake news.”

Now the question unfolds: What stands behind the term fake news?

The term fake news was first used in the summer of 2016. At that time fake news described made-up stories on facebook. Then fake news was classified as the reason for Trump’s electoral victory. And now the term depicts a political swearword which is used in disputes. For example, between Trump and the media or between governments of the left and of the right. To sum it up, Trump’s definition of the term fake news is unpleasant statements concerning his person. Whereby, our society understands fake news as a modification of a lying press and as a catchphrase for everything that is new and does not suit someone’s opinion.

I think the term fake news has become increasingly important in highlighting a powerful and dangerous phenomenon that occurs as something new in the news media. Therefore, lets have a closer look at some possible examples of fake news:

1. The term fake news covers incorrect information which is produced and spread on purpose through social media.

2. There is fake news that is well camouflaged and clumsy.

3. Fake news is spread through the media because of financial and political interest. Therefore, fake news is suited to propaganda purposes because it draws attention to certain groups without naming the authors.

4. Fake news cannot be banned.

5. Not everything that is false is fake news.

In conclusion, the term fake news encompasses a wide range of examples. So, it is your choice to chose which description you want to use for fake news. May it be the case of incorrect information or the rapid spread though social media, a description for something new, or a relevant problem or even a political swearword. Finally, it lies in the general view of the reader.

