It’s just soccer, eh? Not the worlds most important issue

Annika Fritzsche
Inside the News Media
3 min readJul 8, 2016

Sadly it’s over. The German National Team lost againt France last night and therefore will not play in the Final, bummer! For many people this is a huge diappointment, but the news seem to celebrate it. Spiegel, Stern, Die Welt, etc. seem to only consist of arcticles about last nights game. Headlines like “Schweinsteigers Handspiel tötete Deutschland”, “Kein klares “ja!”- Bleibt Jogi Löw Bundestrainer?” etc. cover the title pages of the above mentioned magazines. I don’t know how you feel about this, but speaking for myself I find it quite annoying! It is always the same, after every EM or WM there are debates about whether the Bundestrainer will stay or will be replaced by someone new. I mean is this necessary a day, well not even a day, is it really necessary to bring an article about this debate the morning after the last game of the German Nationalmannschaft? Like the headline already states, there is no finite decision on whether Löw will stay Bundestrainer or not, so why writing about something that is not even clear, yet?

All this let’s me think back to the session we had about how news agencies have articles prepared already, about big events that will eventually happen sometimes in the future. So this leaves me wonder about what they would have published if Germany had won the game.

In general, I find this too much! One or two articles about what happened last night would be enough in my opinion. Articles that sum up the event and maybe leave a hint that Jogi Löw might quit and that this might have been Schweinsteigers last game, but then leave it at that until there are facts which journalists can inform their readers about. Also, the achievement of the German Team seems to be less valuable. Drastically said, all they are now, are losers. But this is just not right. They played a very good EM overall. I was very pleased by what I saw on the field most of the time and especially the young players like Kimmich and Draxler impressed me. They proved that they have a strong team and that also the players who do not play in the “Startelf” are excellent and fit into the team if they are given in exchange. All in all their games were always played well and they would have earned to make it to the final. Though that’s life and that’s sports as well. Not only skill it the key, but a little bit of luck as well. This was not on our side last night and now it’s theirs and our task to be a good loser. For this reason, the media should primarily focus on the positive and good the German Team has accomplished throughtout the championship before they cover the negative things and publish the bullshitting and bragging articles.

In the end, it is just soccer, right? Many things are much more important, for what reason I will also leave it at that and no further upset myself about it. Wer are still the World Champion, so is to be France the European Champion in its own country. That would be legitimate ;)

