Gloria Heller
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 17, 2016


Jo Cox — murdered british MP; Is Democracy outdated today?

Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed

Kölner OB-KandidatinMesserattacke auf Henriette Reker: Täter hatte “fremdenfeindliches Motiv”

How sad that this young, mother of two, rising star of british politics has been brutally murdered by someone, who obviously disagrees with her political ideologies. This event calls to mind, the level of intolerance the whole humanity is facing right now.

Yesterday, it was in Britain, a few months ago, it was Cologne(Köln); when the ‘ Oberbürgermeisterin’ was also stabbed by a lunatic, that was also unhappy with her stance on the refugees crisis.

I have a lot of questions, but I already guess that there are no easy answers. Are we tired of Democracy? Is our form of government by the people, especially, rule of the majority outdated in this 21st century? Should we throw away the adjudged ‘freedoms’ we have been enjoying for decades for the rule of the jungle?

Is our society tired of a civilized form of communication, that allows enemies to disagree in order to agree for the common good of all? Even when there are a million reasons as to why those at the helm of affairs in our opinion shouldn’t be there, is that reasons enough for anyone to resort to violence to drive ‘his’ point home?

Even when I am hoping for the best, but I do unfortunately think that we will see more of these senseless acts of brutality in the coming months and years, because the safest haven, which was once the family unit, has in last decade proven to be mostly dysfunctional; thanks to our fast-paced world of today which dismisses family values as unimportant. When the family structure breaks down, people lose their humanity and to quote the bible on a lighter note ‘Proverbs 29.18 Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he’ (English Revised Version)

