Last but not least…

Lara Meier
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

Newspapers, online media, radio or news on tv… We have everywhere and everytime the possibility to get the latest news about all that is going on in the world. The class about Media was very informative, since we did not only watch, read or consumer media, but we also questioned it. It was was nice learning about how media influences politics and the other way around.

We talked about current events, as the election of Trump and also how he was presented in american or british media. We did not only read about him in newspapers, but we also watched Videos on Youtube about Americans. We talked about how one article, one comment, one post, one video can influence our attitude toward politicians or organizations or anything else immensly.

For me the most important subject was Chomsky’s Propaganda Model, which presented how politicians used mass media in order to achieve their goals and led their countries into wars and financial disasters.

We talked about fake news and their effects on society and politics. They could be outrageous, but are spread around the world within few seconds in times of Facebook, Instagramm and Twitter. Even if they offer some advantages, as being well informed about politics in different countries in short time, they have also disadvantages, causing for instance malicious gossip or rascism.

The Film “Shattered Glass” was also a very nice story about fake news and how they might have a deep impact on newspapers and magazines. It is interesting to see how easily fake news can be created, particularly today in terms of high technological skills and media competences.

All in all I have to say that I really enjoyed the class with my collegues and with you Geoffrey. I appreciate your way of creating a wonderful atmosphere in class through films and shows for instance.

I wish you all the best for your future.

Thank you for being our lecturer!

