Let love trump hate

Connie W
Inside the News Media
2 min readNov 16, 2016

About a week ago, Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. Throughout the week he already started to announce parts of his future staff. A lot of whom are either very conservative or even racist and antisemitic.

Since the election an avalanche of reactions has started to emerge. All over the country there are people protesting against Trump saying he is not their President. But there has also a lot of hate come up, especially among Trump supporters. A lot of them now think they are free to openly address their hate against several minorities. I have seen a lot of people who say that we have to wait and see what happens when Trump moves into the White House. Some even say that he probably will not be as horrible as everyone thinks. But this is not only extremely ignorant, for it is mostly white people who say those things, but also very dangerous.

Since Trump has been elected, minorities such as Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, LGBT people, etc. are in constant fear. And this is unacceptable. So we, as privileged white people, should not talk down their fear but instead stand up for them, raise our voices to their support, show them they are not alone. We have to make use of our white privilege; we are the ones that are able to help and protect them against this hate. Especially in times like these, when far right-wing parties and politicians are not only on the rise in the US but also all over Europe who are nurtured by fear and bitterness. We have to spread love and understanding for each other. Together we are strong enough to prove that love really trumps hate. The time to speak up is now, or otherwise it might be too late for some.

source: Lady Gaga. twitter.

