Living a week in media-isolation

Katharina Lantzsch
Inside the News Media
3 min readFeb 1, 2017
Source: “Isolation” (01–02–2017)

So let’s face it. You don’t get around NOT knowing what’s going on in the world. May it be through the help of news-apps, Facebook or any other medium, you just get to know some bits and pieces.

Now that I am just moving flats and don’t find the time (or at least think I do not find the time) to watch some news on television or to read some newspaper or some news-apps, I must admit, I do not really know what’s REALLY up in this world. Of course, I (again) stumbled across news on Trump‘s politics and the anger of so many Americans. I also came across the new German chancellor candidate Martin Schulz and I also realized that there was something happening with the refusal of entry to the United States….BUT, I do not know what is REALLY happening. I came across some headlines, but that’s it!

I must admit I feel a bit left behind. On my way to University people talk about the US politics and I do not even know what is happening there exactly (shame on me as a student of politics). But let’s be honest: everyone goes though super busy times where the only thing you can think of is the work you need to do — not the news you should follow. Nevertheless, how comes I have such a bad conscience now? I think it is the fact that I grew up in a family, where reading the daily newspaper is a regular habit. I also grew up in a household where the 8 o’clock news (sort of) belong to the evening-relaxing-routine. So…I was and I still am used to get in touch with news here and there. This is propably the reason why I feel so strange right now — living in my own flat with no daily newspaper and (still) no own TV. I know, there are several other possibilities to get updated, but in the last week I did not even think of the world’s problems since I was so focussed on my own ones.

I felt quite weird when I had to think of a topic to write about in this blog. I was uninformed, not knowing anything in detail and still lacking the time to focus on a particular topic concerning news and news media. That is why I thought it would not be too bad to write about my situation. There is one thing I want to tell you people: although you have a lot to do, although you are busy and lack the time: it is essential to know what is happening in the world! Take the time! It is important! Otherwise you will just end up like me…uninformed, feeling left behind and not able to take part in conversations of relevant topics, which — in the end — will concern all of us.

