Norway is the first country to leave FM radio…

halide kılıçarslan
Inside the News Media
3 min readJan 14, 2017

It has passed more than 100 years after the first radio signal was sent and Nikola Tesla got the patent of the radio, however we can not say that during this time radios have changed and improved a lot. But now, with constantly evolving technology FM radios, which are still used by the whole world, are leaving their places to the digital audio broadcast(DAB).

Norway is going to be the first country that carries out this new practice. Firstly, this new radio practice has started in Bodo city by closing FM radios on January 11th, 2017 and until the end of the year it will be completed by closing all of the FM radio networks.

In many ways digital radio is more advantageous than analog radio. It has high audio quality and is free of interference. Also you don’t need to search for radio frequency to find a radio channel, it is enough to search for the name of the radio channel in order to find it. But for me, the most important feature of the digital radio is it has much more capacity to comprise many channels. Despite all these advantageous, Norwegian people are hesitating to accept digital radio. According to the survey, 66% of the country are against abandonment of FM radio and 17% are supporting to use new digital radio. The most important reason of this result is especially working people think that without FM radio they couldn’t have enough motivation and applying this new radio practice before the work places supply the radios, which are suitable for the digital audio broadcast, would be harmful for economy of the country.

In my opinion, problem is in case of one part of the country is using FM radio and the other is using digital radio, when emergency warning is given, many people would not be aware of this. Beside all this, more than 2 million cars have analog radio in Norway and these radios are inappropriate for digital radio. For a good quality radio adapter for cars, it has to be paid 175 $ and when we think the total cost of the digital radio for Norway, it will cost nearly 350 million $.

In the coming days, we will see how the digital radio is making progress and its negative and positive sides. Some countries will observe this practice attentively, in 2020 Sweden will abandon FM radio and after that England and Denmark are planning to use DAM.

Although I support the digital radio, I think this will affect people who are using motorcycle and old people negatively…

