Not Interested in anything

Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 8, 2016

It is time for another blog entry, and I am absolutly clueless once again… this, however, has got me thinking about the fact whether I am a bad or completely ignorant person?

I admit, the only news I actually receive are the ones I just happen to get through the radio in the morning, or, because Facebook informed about yet another world-breaking news. I never actively watch or read-up only any news, because it simply does not interest me…. Does anybody else feel the same?

There are, indeed, several reasons for this. First of all, I simply can not stand hearing about yet another car crash or terrorist attack, however, I also can not stand these sorta`”wannabe news” about cuddly bears and cats. Secondly, I am also not that interested in politics, I am missing the possibility of actively having any effect in or of politics, or, more plainly, of anything at all. A third point is that I am so busy working, studying and everything else that actively watching all these bad or sensationalist news just stresses me to the point, where I feel even more stressed then before, and, call it self-absorbed, I simply don´t want to feel like that, especially after a hard day.

So, after feeling horrible about this, I though about what possibilities there are. For example YouTube, nowadays you can read up about everything on youtube. So why not just research all the things that interest me on facebook and ignore the rest…. Why don´t the newschannels just turn into youtube channels and make life easier on me/us?

This also throws up the topic of the effect of news and media. Recently a good example caught my eye. On the social platform Instagram a guy named “joey” posted about his fitness journey. He was quite heavy so this is not a from beer belly to sixpack sorta transformation but rather from around 660 to 460 pounds… This had two impacts … firstly, he was bullied up tot the point where he decided to delete his instagram account…. but also, a lot of people within this community started using the hashtag #istandwithjoey supporting this guy. Needless to say that this guys has achieved a whole lot and has impacted a lot of people in the most positive way and that what has happened is an absolute no-go, however, I bet this will not become an amazing newsflash story… at least not global… however, this is a story that I would and will follow because it is so real and because I have the feeling by actively participating I can change something… Sadly this is more an exception in everyday news and media… at least… the world probably will not hear about this….

