Positive Media Criticism

Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 8, 2016

Last week I had thought quite often on what I should post on medium.com. What medium/media should I criticize and why? I had thought about it a few times and I couldn’t come up with an idea but today something nice came to my mind. Why not doing positive criticism? I remembered back when I did my internship at the Mainzer Rhein-Zeitung. They used to be located in the Große Bleiche but had to close down in 2013. It was the only local competitor of Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung.

Here is what I remembered: They used to have an issue called “Der Mutmacher”. I loved the idea very much. On this special day they would only bring good news. No bad news. I can’t remember any more how often they had this special issue per year, but, anyway, the front cover would have an eye-catching colour! If I remember correctly, the usual colour of the front cover was red, but for this edition they changed it to yellow.

So I thought I would have a look at some online newspapers in order to see if they might have something like that. I mean I was not looking for an eye catcher as I described above but rather a headline of an article that carried a nice message. I checked out the FAZ, the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the TAZ. On FAZ I found this:

Just by looking at the headline, this was obviously not a bad message, considering how the subject is usually discussed. But this wasn’t what I was looking for. So I kept looking. The Süddeutsche Zeitung had nothing to offer either.

At the TAZ I found a nice article though. It is about a Syrian woman who came to Germany three years ago and who is now nominated to become the German Wine Queen. The article also stated that the employment office “had stopped making problems” and she could now work in the advertisement process for a wine of a winery. I thought this was a nice article to read. Especially considering how much bad press is published relating to refugees.

