#ProudToBe …

Lisa Rölle
Inside the News Media
3 min readJun 22, 2016

The general media’s reactions on the Orlando shooting are speaking the same language: It was a brutal, violent attack on humans, on Western values, on the gay community, on a free way of life.

The shooting, that took place ten days ago and killed 49 people, rekindled a lot of debates which have been going on for decades, both in society, politics and media: Whether the anti-weapon movement trying to tighten gun laws, some politicians using it for their own agenda concerning immigrants, or simply the gay community supporting and demanding their rights, asking for tolerance. Actually, it is a sad fact that an issue like this needs some sort of tragedy discussed in the press in the first place, before attention is drawn to it again. But it is a common thing: The discourse in news media leads to another discourse in society, or the other way round. In my opinion, this is an important role of the news media, as well.

In this very case, the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) community is not only reflected on by the news media, but it creates its own discourse in modern digital media, as well. Yesterday, YouTube set up some special space on their website to support that: Next to the YouTube button on the official page, a little rainbow-coloured heart links to the hashtag #ProudToBe. It is a message to support diversity and to celebrate different identities:

„YouTube is a place where anyone can belong no matter who they are or who they love. That is why today we want to help people honor and celebrate who they’re #ProudToBe. Now, more than ever, it’s important that we help accept, love, and celebrate one another. In the wake of the tragic events in Orlando, we stand together in support of the LGBTQ community. […] Join in: Who are you #ProudToBe? Upload a video or share a post with #ProudToBe in the title so others can find it.“

Besides this declaration, there is a collection of videos from all over the world, concerning topics around gender, sexuality, coming outs and so on. Many people use this platform in order to share their identities, ideas, and their support.

It may be a little step towards tolerance, but a first step often finds expression in a certain presence in the media. Actions like these show us the positive sides of social media: The content is consumed and made by people, by you and me, and therefore the social is a very democratic medium. Let’s hope it stays this way and we’re able to show our #PrideToBe whatever we want to be, as well in the future. In social media, but also in real life.



Lisa Rölle
Inside the News Media

Cultural Anthropology student, writer, Zinemaker, music enthusiast, cat-fan from Mainz, Germany