Reflecting on the Inside the News Media Course

Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 10, 2016


The first thing I remember was my first post and how I completely failed the aim of it. Instead of doing criticism on media, I just chose a political subject and criticized that. I also remember me thinking, how on earth should I, a person who is not really following the news and who is not as much into media as other people, how should I publish a post every fourteen days having media criticism as the central theme?

Well, I managed it somehow! It wasn’t quite easy to come up with a topic for each post, but it worked out. Being a very harsh critic of my own, I never thought even one post would be liked by our instructor. But he did and I found that very encouraging. All in all I have to say I didn’t love the idea of the posts too much (very likely because I found it so hard to come up with an appropriate topic each time), however, I really think it is a very good exercise to deal out criticism!

Looking at the topics we discussed in class I have to say I enjoyed the media theory section. That is because I look differently at all the newspapers now: They are, as well as any other company, mainly profit driven (of which I should not have been so much surprised, but I was) and that their advertisements are their main income and how they might be influenced by their money givers.

I also enjoyed our sessions on the newspapers. Especially the one’s in which everybody had to bring along a newspaper. It was also interesting to look at how the newspapers had changed in the last couple of years and I am also curious to look closer at their future in the next session.

