Reflection Post

Annika Fritzsche
Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 6, 2016


Thinking back to the very first session, for me this course was already a bummer, because for me the very first session was the second one since I thought that class starts at 10 a.m. for whatever reason…Then, reading the course requirements I remember being not very happy. Being completely honest, I thought writing blog posts about any topic in the news every other week was pointless. I simply did not want to stick to my laptop any more than I already had to. Also, I thought that I would not be able to write anything of use on medium and that nobody would be interested into what I have to write anyway. That is complaining on a very high level, eh? I know. Just not the greatest start with this course for me.

BUT, I must admit that this course turned out to be more enjoyable and interesting than I expected it to be. I definitely thought about the news business more than I ever had during this semester. Still, I did not enjoy posting in the beginning. For me it was hard to come up with a topic to write about and to deal with medium in general. Then, after I tried meeting all the requirements on the posts, and I did not get a like by G. Miller, which is necessary to pass the course, I was pretty disappointed.

Though, the day arrived, I received likes on my three past posts! For the first time, finally knowing one is on the right track, I was able to relax a bit. Already before this special day, but especially then, writing these blog entries actually was a little fun. The topics to write about were pretty open so everyone had the chance to be creative and the news cover a lot, right? So there was something to bash about or to further inform others about for everyone.

The general topics of the weekly classes were also more interesting than I previously thought! Overall this course was informative and interesting, also writing these posts was fun in the end, sort of.. :)

