
Franziska Pohl
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

And another semester goes by. Sometimes, I can hardly believe how time flies, and despite the fact that this course dragged me out of bed in the ungodly hours of the morning, I am somewhat sorry for it to be over.
I’m not a news kinda person; watching the tagesschau, even though it only lasts 15 minutes, is an ordeal and let’s not get started on reading an actual newspaper. Nevertheless, this course was interesting.
For one thing, it made stay on top with the recent developments. For the first time since I graduated from Gymnasium, I made an effort to stay informed, and in a way, that has been an improvement to my life. Of course, the article’s I read made me angry sometimes, but at least they provided me with interesting topics for conversations.
And while I previously didn’t question everything that was spoon-fed to me, I think the course did give me some background information that I value and that has made me think about news in a slightly different angle.
I like writing blog posts. When it comes to writing it’s nice to have a set routine and to have to come up with a topic every two weeks and to explore that topic was something new. True, sometimes I would have preferred to write something else, but I guess that’s the challenging thing; in the next few weeks, when I’m working on two research papers for my major subject, I’m hoping all this training will come in handy.
Was there something I didn’t like about the course?
I guess one thing was that it wasn’t specifically British. Naturally, we did talk about some British issues, but I feel like more of the course was dedicated to American topics. Which is understandable; there was and still is a lot going on in the USA and the news reflect on that. And companies like Facebook are American, no way of going around it. Still, I’m taking British Studies — and I missed the British part of that a bit.
Overall, my major issue with the course was that is was so early in the morning. But alas, what can you do?

