
Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 5, 2016

Turning into kind of a journalist was often fun. To talk about how news are presented is really interesting. You start thinking how journalists and reporters have to work — now I am even more convinced how manipulating and calculating news are…. It’s all about money, economic issues, represent political opinion (often hidden). It’s not at all just informing people about current happenings… As journalist you always kind of sell your soul, you have to run after headlines, get information as fast as you can about recent events, even when people are injured. I know citizens want to be informed, and they should be, but I get the impression that a job at a news agency is not about acting right.
I now pay more attention to news, how they are shown, and in which order…

However, I have to say that I also expected a different content in this course. Every content got similar to the content of the week before. I would have preferred to discuss an important event sometimes. I know I can inform myself and talk it through with my friends, but maybe we had discussed on a different level. That would have been interesting.

In the end I could not find another topic for the blog. But we had to write an entry for the ‘Aktive Teilnahme’ so I just chose one I thought I could easily write of. I think just commenting the way how news are presented is not enough for 45 people, because the chosen topics were often similar. And I guess writing, even critical writing, is not my passion…

In my opinion the course was good concerning my view on the representation of news. It sometimes could have been more varied in its contents.

