
Connie W
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

About half a year ago I looked up what courses I could take in the following semester and there was one that especially struck my eye. When I read that there will be a course about the news media I was immediately interested in taking it, since I am very interested in news and also in journalism. There was just one thing that made me cringe: it started at 8 am. Well, being the masochist I am, I took it anyway. And now, a few months later, the semester is over already (how did those four months pass so fast??) and so is the course. Throughout it, we had to write several blog posts, which was a very refreshing and cool idea, and this one is my final one.

Now here I am, reflecting about what we did in the course, what I liked best and what not at all. Obviously, the worst part about this course was getting up very early to make it to uni on time. It was a weekly battle with my alarm clock and most of the time, it wasn’t a very successful one. But the rest of the course was actually quite interesting. I loved that we got a better insights into the work of a journalist, how news work generally and that news papers are kind of dying out (which is pretty sad in my opinion…).

Before taking this course I was already interested in news and staying up to date with important topics. This course, however, made me realise even more how important it is and in which ways a person can get information on various news-worthy topics. I also learned that you shouldn’t believe everything you read and it’s better to always fact-check things which you don’t know a lot about. Especially since fake news websites and lying in general are getting more and more popular.

Dear Geoffrey, thank you for teaching this course. I wish you all the best for your future!

