Reflections … on “Inside the News Media”

Lisa Rölle
Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 13, 2016

I came to Medium through our university seminar „Inside the News Media“ and I’ve never heard about it before. That’s probably the first thing I’ve got to say about the course — I’m really happy I got to know, and now being part of, a website and a community where writers around the world share and publish their articles on a non-commercial basis and in whatever way they want to. Especially because I’ve been writing in my free time a lot before, but I’ve been always keeping it to myself. I wasn’t very keen on seeing my stuff published somewhere. Through our seminar, I somehow was forced to do that — and I realised that it is not the horror I always thought it to be, at all.

Also, I found it very interesting to see on which topics and contemporary themes my fellow students are reflecting. I think in a way, we all inspired and encouraged each other through our blogs. However, it wasn’t always easy to come up with a contemporary topic for the posts. Even if one is reflecting a lot about the media and society in general, it’s not always fitting for a public published essay. It was a challenge and sometimes took a lot of time, but in the end, we managed it.

The theory sections and discussions we had in class were quite helpful. I’m sure that my perception and reflection on the media has changed a lot throughout the last semestre. In my opinion, we could have done a bit more theory, to generate a broader grounding for further discussions on media.

All in all, I’ve got to say I’m proud I did not surrender, but wrote on. I’m surely going to keep my account on and probably browsing through it on a larger scale, as well.



Lisa Rölle
Inside the News Media

Cultural Anthropology student, writer, Zinemaker, music enthusiast, cat-fan from Mainz, Germany