Reflections on "Inside the News Media”

Fabienne Meyer
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

With the inauguration of Donald Trump two weeks ago, a new warfare has begun — The „War on Media“. We live in really interesting- and sadly also trerrifying times. There is the new danger of fake news and we have to fear, that people like Donald Trump will try to systematically take power over the Media. Ever since the beginning of newspaper or public media in general, people have tried to miscredit media and its messages. However, an independent media system is the basis of democracy and we have to remind ourselves of this fact. As my semester is almost over I thought about one of my seminars, “Inside the News Media”.

As a communication science student I attended this course with a certain previous knowledge on news values or the history of media in general. In my main studies, however, most of the time I look at German news media, so it was exciting to actually have a closer look at the British or the American media system.

It is so important for everyone today, to understand the power of media and to distinguish sharply between reliable news sources and the opposite which is why it is so important to analyse the different media systems.

I very much enjoyed writing these blog posts and I think that I will continue doing this. Writing has always been my passion but I had never considered writing blog posts about current events or political news. It always took me a while to figure out what I want to make the topic of my next post, but once I did research on a topic and started to draft my thoughts, I got really into it.

Due to some funny videos we watched in the sessions or the really interesting discussions we had, it was never boring. Well yes, getting up that early honestly sucked but a good laugh on a video of Trump always kept me awake.

