Terror attacks?!

Teresa Schneider
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 8, 2016

As everyone probably knows the European championship is about to start. The event encourages many people to come to France or to gather in public locations in their home countries to enjoy the matches together and to celebrate the sport they love. But in these days I hear and read less about the teams, organized events where to go in order to watch the matches or even the joy and fun such an event brings. Even when talking to friends and relatives, almost everybody at least mentions the potential danger involved in this kind of event, especially after the occurrences during the last months in Paris and Brussels. People are afraid that something similar is going to happen in a stadium or any other place where people come together, which is perfectly comprehensible.

The role media plays in this story is a significant one. Sure, they cannot ignore the fact that terror attacks are indeed possible and they need to cover this topic as well. I like being informed about this too, even though there is nothing to actually talk about. The danger exists, yes. But do we know anything concrete? Focusing on the negative site of the championship takes away, at least for me personally, the joy and happiness I usually feel when it comes to the world championship or the European championship. Hearing Jerome Boateng saying that he doesn’t want his family to be in the stadium, is understandable at some point. Having the media covering this though is a different thing. In my opinion it only spreads the already existing fear and doubts.

“Media is a business.” Again this sentence from our course comes to my mind. And it explains pretty well why the media focus on the danger, fear and doubts. Because it sells better! But come on, is it really necessary to be reminded of eventualities all the time that might never happen? For me it is only speculation until they come up with something concrete and indeed threatening.

Football is fun and happiness and let’s try to enjoy this event! :)

