Fleeting Expression
Inside the News Media
2 min readDec 14, 2016


The Merit of Truth in the Age of Information

What are your expectations when you consume any information brought to you by the media, be it traditional or the internet? Do you just want to be up to date? Do you want the truth? Or do you just want to laugh at what you perceive as incompetence?


When we watch any piece of information presented to us by any media we witness a certain narrative that is being presented to us.

This narrative can be truthful. However it will more than likely be presented from a certain point of view. That doesn’t really entail anything so far, since everyone tends to have a different opinion on matter X concerning subject A or B, but often that opinion is also tied to an agenda.

And this is where it can get tricky in this day and age. Countless people have access to the internet and the ability to put out a piece of information that they can shape as they desire. That means that everyone can essentially do their own news report on current events or whatever the hell they want to, but how well researched is it? Could it be biased? Is it even truthful or real?

What I am getting at is simply that anyone can churn out whatever they want and as such manipulate views on current events even if what they say is completely made up.

In the end the responsibility comes down to the consumer. It is up to them to judge any article they came across, if they regard it critically or just gobble it up without a second thought.

There is only really one thing we can do to counter any potential lies and manipulation;

Being better consumers.

