The Power of different Media in the Case of a Missing Cat

Rebecca Mohr
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 22, 2016

When a family member became seriously ill about two weeks ago, we had to put his cat “Katie” into a cattery in Guntersblum (near Oppenheim). Two days after her hand over, however, she was able to escape…

Of course we moved heaven and earth in order to spread the news and find her:

At first, we registered her on Tasso and Quoka. Secondly, we went for the “classical” search posters and distributed about 75 of them in and around the area where it happened. Then we wrote a post on Facebook and encouraged people to share it; which they did numerously (thank you!). Finally we placed an advertisement in local newspapers and tried word-of-mouth-advertising.

In the first week we got a lot of responses and hints, especially on Facebook. Even though people hadn’t seen her, they provided more information about further steps we could take and promised us to watch out for her. Today (22nd June) a women from Dienheim (near Guntersblum) called us, because she had read our article in the newspaper and had seen a similar looking cat — unfortunately it didn’t turn out to be “Katie”. Nevertheless we are impressed with and grateful for the power and possibilities of the different kinds of media. With their help we were/are able to reach more (kind) people than we ever could have without them! We still feel optimistic about finding her and I hope that through this blog, we will attract the attention of even more people.


As always, thank you for taking the time to read this!

