The social network that could actually overpower Facebook (with our help)

Inside the News Media
2 min readMay 26, 2016

We live in an ad-controlled world. It’s nothing new. Newspapers, television, social networks are first of all businesses, and their final goal is obviously to earn money. In order to do so, media usually sell ads. But that’s unfortunately not all. Most web media, especially social networks, actually make tons of money by selling user data to various companies. Did you ever notice the ads you see on Facebook or Google are based on the pages and posts you like? Yeah, still nothing new. It’s terrible, it is. But we love social media, we couldn’t live without them, and anyway there’s nothing we can do to change things.

Or is there?

The answer might be Ello.

What’s Ello? Ello is a new kind of social network that will not sell ads or sell user data to third parties.

How is this possible? Well, Ello is a benefit corporation, this means that it has a legal obligation to never sell ads, to never sell user data, and to never sell the company to anyone that would ever do any of these things.

Ello also allows users to avoid embedded and NSFW (not safe for work) content. In my ultra-humble opinion, Ello could really revolutionise social networks as we know them. Because now we finally have a REAL alternative. We can finally stop complaining about Facebook and join a social network we can actually trust.

Yes, Ello is still in Beta, but it’s already a really interesting website, it already has an iOS app and quite a few “subscribees” (funny neologism: check!)

So why not give it a go? We needed something like Ello in our lives, and it’s finally a thing. Now Ello needs us.

Time to change things for real, folks.

For more infos:

