The Wonderful World of Anorexia

Cynthia Fett
Inside the News Media
2 min readMay 19, 2016

Germany has chosen its next topmodel recently, but the TV show isn’t a regional or Germany-centred phenomenon, it is broadcasted throughout the world.

In my view TV shows that are looking for the next topmodel are disgusting because females of all ages try to equal the virtual picture drawn. Especially young girls are susceptible by those ‘role models‘ so that Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, Oluchi Onweagba, Cindy Bishop, Jennifer Hawkins and all their equivalents use the human deficit to strive for perfection for their own benefit. They promote a life according to wrong physical and mental norms on their self-provided platform of identity.

The participating girls have to fulfill awkward exercises in order to receive a picture that means that they have made it to the next round.

In my opinion the producers exploit the inherent dream of naive girls to become a topmodel and to gain a foothold in the showbiz. Almost all of the girls are willing to accept the lack of private life, e.g. friends and family as well as graduation in school, if just their dream come true which perfectly suits the unmoral behaviour of TV makers. What counts for them is money! Therefore each individual is a means to an end for them. They play with the feelings of teenagers, make them look like a fool in front of a broad public and put pressure on them. It is a perfidious game in which 20-year-old girls take a main role. Particularly female juveniles and young adults having a low self-esteem aspire after the supposed ideal wherewith an absolute faulty picture of a happy life as a woman is painted.

In what kind of world do we live, where anorexiant girls are regarded as an ideal of beauty? We really should consider if we watch those formats just for being entertained. What happens to the (in-)voluntarily performers is more than cruel. If they don’t fit into a certain pattern, they fall by the wayside. They are not treated as humans but as products that have to be sold. Society really shouldn’t support but boycott those ‘reality‘ shows in order to protect the girls of becoming completely estranged from themselves.

