There are no Trump voters on this planet and that is exactly the reason he won the election

Miriam Hackenberger
Inside the News Media
3 min readNov 18, 2016

After the election-induced state of shock, the mass news media it is apparently slowly starting to recuperate. Nevertheless, mass news media still owes us an explanation of how their news coverage, polls and predictions on the upcoming were so impressively incorrect.

These wrong polls and predictions show us one important thing: Media coverage can be very far away from the truth or at least be unable to mirror a complex situation influenced by differing (and unwished?) opinions.

One can be happy or sad about the election’s outcome, but I think we must all agree on one thing: Donald Trump was more than far away from being the big, nasty loser NOBODY likes, takes seriously or eventually votes for. Even though he (narrowly) lost the popular vote, he won the election because a tremendous number of Americans (59,69 Million!!) gave him his vote (Welt). They choose him over Clinton (or Johnson and Stein) and with this apparently shook the mass news media like an earthquake.

Maybe this is just me, but I have a very hard time believing that none of the popular mass media had the vaguest idea and ever took into consideration that Trump had a fair chance of becoming the next president, if there are approximately 59,69 Million Trump Voters in front of their doorstep or just a non-stop flight away. I mean, did those 59,69 Million people hide under a rock for the last year and a half?

Maybe the mass media just did not give them a platform and choose to publish polls that where in accordance with their hopes and believes for the election in 2016. After all, there were some precise predictions that Trump could win the election. But those predictions where not mentioned on TV (or on the big news podcaster’s internet sites) even though this would have been interesting information as many of those predictions had been very exact in previous elections.

Funny enough, one of the publishers of a very exact predictions (He predicted almost every election correctly since 1984) was now interviewed and mentioned various times on CNN, as his next foreshadowing is that there will be an impeachment of the president-elect (CNN). Apparently, the problem is not the publisher but his contents. A short research on CNN’s internet site confirms that there was no report on his prediction on the election before November 8, 2016. Even funnier is the fact that you have to read through the whole article to find out that the prediction of a Trump impeachment is not the result of an in-depths study but just his gut feeling (CNN).

To make a long story short, I demand the mass news media to inform me as objective, detailed and as many-sided as possible. I am a grown up person with a brain and I can handle information even if it’s bad news or a (from my point of view) upsetting and “wrong” opinion. I would definitely always choose this over a childproof, filtered coverage that is time consuming, incorrect and therefore useless. (18.11.2016) (18.11.2016)

