Time to reflect

Aaron Hutterer
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

At the beginning of the course I wasn’t really sure what to expect. The name of the course sounded quite interesting, which is one of the main reason why I took it in the first place. Surely, the title already gave me a broad idea what it would be about, but still I was looking forward to what’s to come. Now that we’ve reached the end of the course I can prouldy say that I gained a better understanding of media and how it works!

Not too long ago we were asked what we can take away from the course. As I already mentioned I learned a lot about media itself, but that’s not all. The maybe most valuable lesson I learned during this course is to take a critical look at media and to question it. I won’t deny that I already knew that I shouldn’t take everything media says for granted, but I surely didn’t know to what extend this is true. It is amazing, or probably rather terrific, how “contaminated” media is with, for example, fake news or fake articles. It scares me if I think about it. Media holds so much power and basically can manipulate people at will. Pretty much everyone is confronted with media and that every single day. I’m convinced that everyone should be aware of how media works and what they do. Therefore, I can only recommend to try to learn more about the topic as it effects everyone.

To end my last medium post for this course, I want to say a big thank you to Geoffrey. I honestly enjoyed your class and how you presented the topics. Your commitment and the work you put into the class were amazing. You were able to create a perfect balance between having fun during a session and teaching us the importance of being critical. I really wish you all the best for the future and most importantly, stay as you are!

