Trump to supporters harassing minorities: ‘Stop it’ — are you kidding me?

Sarah Herzog
Inside the News Media
2 min readNov 14, 2016

I was really hesitating this morning — should I read this article on CNN after the headline seemed to me the most ironical thing I have probably ever read? Or should I just leave it and read something else that may not annoy me that much? I decided to read. I am still not sure whether this was smart…

Trump is saddened to hear that Muslims and Latinos are facing harassment. Erm, what?? Calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists is better, do I get that right? His “Stop it” sounds like “I am not allowed to tell you to go on with that, so I have to say this. But PLEASE go on!!” in my ears. In the article it says “Trump said he’s seen “a very small amount” — including “one or two instances” — of racial slurs being directed at minorities, particularly in largely white schools, since his election” — I’m sorry, but his whole election campaign was run through by racial slurs, sometimes more obvious, sometimes less, but in the final account the point always was “Americans first”.

Not only that this is supposed to say that money should be spent for US citizens and not for (illegal) immigrants, for me it sounds that in Trump’s eyes people born in the USA are simply better and only they deserve to get something from the government. This reminds me of something I have seen on television a few weeks ago. A reporter reads quotes about immigrants and foreign cultures to people on the street who thought these had been uttered by Donald Trump. They completely agreed to all of them. After the reporter told them that the quotes were not from Trump but from Adolf Hitler, the very same people said that if Hitler has said that it is bad and they disagree, but if Trump had said that they would agree.

And now this man wants to tell us that he does not want minorities to be harassed?

