Wanna go watch Quidditch? — bring your broomstick and catch the snitch

Annika Fritzsche
Inside the News Media
2 min readJun 22, 2016


While updating myself on the latest news I found out that in July there will be the “Quidditch World Championships” in Frankfurt, how funny!! That was my first thought. I already knew that the TU Darmstadt has a Quiddich Team and I remember myself bursting out laughing when someone told me about it for the first time. Honestly, I though this was a joke. I mean we are “muggles” and therefore we are not able to fly round on brooms, aren’t we? Though, I actually never really informed myself about the game itself and how people in real life actually play it until today…

This article caught my attention because of its title “The Quidditch World Cup ‘I’ve known players who hate Harry Potter’”. Speaking for myself, I love Harry Potter and I am amazed by J.K. Rowling’s phantasy. For this reason I cannot believe that there are people who truly hate Harry Potter, how are they able to? But even more weird I find the idea of people running around on broomsticks if they have not even a little sympathy for the story that has invented the sport they are playing. So I read the article, I had to.

The article did not really reveal what the title had promised. Basically the game works just like the original Quidditch in the wizard world works with the only differents that Muggles just run around with a broomsticks between their legs whereas wizards are so much cooler and fly. The snitch is a tennisball inside a sock….does it get any stranger? Well, Ashley Cooper, the national Quidditch coach of the UK, had the same kind of thoughts before he started playing Quidditch himself.

“He expected that he’d ‘be able to run rings around the film fans, have a laugh, and then never go back’”

But he stayed because of the people and the challenge of the sport itself. Interesting! I still cannot believe that one can actually enjoy it if one hates Harry Potter.

Anyway, referring to our topic about the work of Journalists, I think if you find out such facts and then interview people who are experts on such things than you have a lot of fun as a journalist. Being in dangerous areas of the world, more or less risking one’s life, to inform the rest of the world about what is going on is not though. This really had made me think after last weeks session, I believe that one truly has to be a certain kind of human being to be able to do such a job for a living…

