Alica V.
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 11, 2017


What can media do for us and where should we be careful?

These are just a few examples of questions that were raised and answered over the semester in this course.

We asked ourselves whether there was a future for journalism in its original form, how they needed to transform to survive and why watching cat videos might be the end of rational thinking.

What I really enjoyed about the course was the way we would critically view all aspects of media with its positive and negative aspects. All opinions were allowed and even if you were to shy (or maybe couldn’t be bothered to raise your hand) there was an opportunity to discuss the issues with other students in every session.

Sometimes the texts were a little long and we probably didn’t read them all very carefully but in the end what I enjoyed most were the carefully selected videos of various comedians who were partially so good that we noted down their names to watch their videos at home. I guess you can call yourself very lucky if a student decides to learn more about the topic of the course in their free time. And I mean, the matter touches our all life.

The medium medium (ha!) allowed and sometimes forced us to sit down and articulate the thoughts and ideas about different aspects of media which sometimes wasn’t as easy as one might think. Suddenly you were confronted with realities that might change your attitude toward and reception of media completely. I think you were right when you said that after studying the whole complex, you couldn’t look at it the same way again and I think most of us will feel the same.

But one thing will never change: cute kittens will never fail to make my day.

