Why do we love so much moving stories?

Ana Prieto Rodríguez
Inside the News Media
2 min readJan 26, 2017

This is not the first time that this has happened to me. When I am reading a magazine or simply I am looking at my facebook wall, there are always some articles which catch my attention unconsciously. These tell some moving stories for example how a child with some kind of problem could overcome their disability and now she or he succeeded in some way, or how a person with autism could complete numerous academic courses at a very young age.

What is not surprising for me is finding that type of articles in posts in the social media or in some magazines, but it is in the most well-known newspapers where I sometimes stop and read some of these touching stories.

Not so long ago I was reading a newspaper and while I was looking at the most important headlines like Trump’s idea of building a wall in Mexico or about the pollution in big cities, an article about a girl who was born without legs and who has not only overcome this difficulty, but also had become one very important gymnast, pop up in front of me.

Aerial performer Jennifer Bricker who was born without legs.

I couldn’t help but read the entire story, from the beginning to the end, and when I finished it I was quite certain that I wasn’t the only person who had fallen into that story. And I knew I was correct when I saw that this article was not only in the same place of the newspaper website as some important news, but it also was one of the most read stories, having after it some important international news..

These are the articles which always work, and that is true, we always go and read this type of articles which make us bring our emotions. These kinds of articles are like a breath of positivism in the middle of the chaos and that’s why we always read them, maybe just to leave a good taste in our mouth after all bad news.

