Women will not allow their future to be stolen by Trump

halide kılıçarslan
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 11, 2017

Trump elected president of America on November 8th, took the presidency from Barack Obama officially on January 20th. During the election period, in his speeches Trump was very discriminatory and offensive to women, immigrants and citizens of different ethnic and religious backgrounds. However, the strongest reaction against Trump’s attitude was given by women. First, they made their call one by one, but later on they came all together.

I can see that since the Civil Rights Movement, America has experienced the most crowded protesto in its history. Women’s March took part mainly in Washington, but not just in America, it was protested world widely.

In Trump’s first mission day, Women’s March gave a strong message to the state and the whole world: “ Women’s rights are human rights”. The only thing they want to have is equality. But what did exactly make women that much angry? During the election campaigns, Trump’s attitudes against women mostly took attention. Some of his statements like, “ Grab ’em by the pussy”, “hugged, kissed her without permission” were uncovered by the media, and after that he apologized because of his wrong expressions. But the other examples like, he called a woman ‘Miss Piggy’ because of her overweight and for another woman he said ‘Miss Housekeeping’ as she is Latin. His disrespectful and discriminatory expressions infuriated women. Also, one of his statements which supports to punish women who have a abortion pushed women to the streets of America.

Many Muslim women took part in this March against Trump, too, because of his discriminatory thoughts about Islam and Muslim people. As an American citizen, they supported freedom for religion,

Women mostly protested abortion. In USA, abortion became legal exactly 44 years ago. Trump’s step to make it illegal is going to take the country’s status back. So women advocated that abortion should be supplied by the state fund. Of course they are right, as a woman I am, this is our body, our mind and our life. We are in the 21st century, what is your purpose,Trump?

As long as Trump keeps on being the president, America will see much worse days…

