6 Business Leaders Get Real with Advice for Salesforce Trailblazers

Salesforce partners not only build and evangelize new technology, but as I learn and get to know each one, I find they all have a strong willingness to help others. It’s true leadership. Leaders create a path for others to follow, and that’s why many individuals at Salesforce partner companies are Trailblazers as well. As Laura Woods shares in this post, why spend the time and energy blazing a trail if not one can follow in your footsteps?

Why do we blaze trails? What sparks that need to do something different, make change or simply have a conversation that changes the game? The reasons can vary immensely. For Ashley Allen, it was about promoting diversity in tech. For Mitch Gouss, it was a career shift after 20 years. For Aniqa Tariq, it was identifying a tech solution to a major problem. No matter their path, these partners are changing the game not only at their organizations, but across the entire ecosystem.

Read about six business leaders and their straight-forwarded advice for those ready to find a new path.

Ashley Allen, CEO, IT Equality

Photo by Ashley Allen

Ashley’s mission is to promote diversity in tech while implementing best practice Salesforce solutions. She’s a trailblazing partner who started a Trailblazer Community group called Diversity Partners which promotes visibility for partners who identify with diversity groups such as a woman owned business, LGBT owned business, veteran owned business and more.

Ashley’s advice:

“Be fearless, and never give up. When hard times arrive, hold your chin up and know you are not alone in this struggle. Salesforce Ohana really is your family, there is a Trailblazer Community group for everyone. Whatever you are facing, find your Ohana and you will pull through.”

Deepa Iyer, Salesforce Innovation Director, Accenture

Deepa is passionate about her role in Accenture’s Salesforce practice. She leads the innovation team in Accenture. Deepa champions new technology introduced by Salesforce, in order to more easily embed Salesforce with Accenture’s technology vision. A key part of growth is learning, and as a trailblazing partner, Deepa is always listening, reading, learning and interacting with the Salesforce Ohana and her customers.

Deepa’s advice:

“Let the surrounding innovation, growth and excitement of Salesforce inspire the Trailblazer in you.”

Ian Kahn, Partner and Consumer Markets Salesforce Leader, PwC

Ian Kahn, PwC

Ian Kahn is an innovation junkie, who is competitive and always looking for his next challenge. At PwC, Ian is a trusted advisor that clients rely on to support their most important Salesforce enabled solutions from strategy through execution. Ian leads a high-performing diverse group of consultants who bring a wide range of skills to the table. “Being part of this team and the broader Salesforce ecosystem, where so much innovation is happening, is almost an addiction for me. I could not imagine doing anything else,” says Ian.

Ian’s advice:

“Act with integrity, make a difference, care, work together, and re-imagine what’s possible. In our Salesforce practice, everything we do starts with a focus on clients, people and culture. Set high goals and go after them as a team.”

Aniqa Tariq, Vice President, Emerging Markets, Bluewolf

Source: PressReader

Aniqa is customer obsessed. She puts the customer first on everything to ensure their success. She has a been a Trailblazer since 2005, working with her C-Suite at previous companies to implement more effective technology. By advocating for technology, and being one of the few females in the industry at the time, she was able to grow her career and achieve major revenue growth, get acquired, and work globally. Aniqa loves bringing the Salesforce platform to companies across countries as diverse as India, UAE, Brazil and Singapore. She sees market growth, job growth and the ecosystems spreading across the globe.

Aniqa’s advice:

“Be an authentic leader — to do that you must know yourself, trust yourself, believe in yourself and be BOLD and BRAVE! Get out there and make it happen — the world is counting on you.”

Mitch Gouss, Director of Salesforce Alliances, OwnBackup

Salesforce literally changed Mitch’s career and put him on a path to doing what he truly loves. Prior to being a part of the Salesforce ecosystem, he had a 20-year career in direct sales and while he liked some aspects of that job, he knew that he was meant for something else. After working at Salesforce for two years, he gained the knowledge needed to be a Salesforce Alliance Director at two ISVs, now OwnBackup. Mitch’s biggest skill (or at least the one he’s most proud of) is the ability to make people smile. That is why he loves Salesforce’s 1:1:1 model and has chosen to volunteer as often as he can, especially as it relates to children’s charities.

Mitch’s advice:

“Use the partnership with Salesforce as a platform (pun not intended!) to effect change in the way we view business, our communities and the world. Do not be afraid to go outside of the norm — be different, be bold, be inspiring.”

Adam Menzies, Vice President, Salesforce Practice, CGI

Photo by Adam Menzies. Adam with Rocky Bleier

Adam is passionate about helping customers thrive on the Salesforce Platform because to him, every project fundamentally changes the way people work together. Moving from full-stack software development and architecture to a position within a small consulting firm, Adam is set on a path of being able to much more rapidly fulfill his goal of helping people have better experiences at work. He continues today as he leads a global practice of nearly 500 Salesforce Trailblazers, helping them to impact the experiences of hundreds of customers around the world.

Adam’s advice:

“Spend as much time as possible listening to others, whether they be customers, other partners or Salesforce leaders. From their perspective, strive to understand the results that would impact their daily lives. Then, focus on delivering.”

To find out more about trailblazing partners, read this post and guide. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a trailblazing partner, complete this nomination form.

