Anyone Can Hold the Helm When the Sea is Calm

Ron Budreau
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
3 min readApr 7, 2020

“Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.”

These words by Publilius Syrus were printed on a picture of a tumultuous sea that hung above my office desk during the 25 years I owned and operated my ISV/Consulting business. They were a reminder to me and my leadership team that a crisis quickly surfaces what kind of leader you are.

During my tenure, we navigated through three recessions, a potential Y2K meltdown, and the dot com (dot gone) bubble burst. Each of these turbulent times presented unique challenges, however, we would find over time that there were five things we needed to do as leaders to confidently steer our way through the prevailing storms. We would come to call these behaviors the Five A’s of Crisis Leadership. Given the current COVID-19 crisis I would like to share those behaviors with you today.

Always Be Present

If there is ever a time you need to be visible to your team and customers it is now. People will be seeking advice, reassurance and looking for direction. This is your time to provide all of these things.

Always Be Genuine

Are your words and actions being guided by and reflected in your core values? Are you going through the motions of checking in with stakeholders or because of a genuine concern for their welfare and well being? People’s senses are heightened during a time of disruption and they will smell and repulse from one who appears to be disingenuous.

Always Be Proactive

Another of Publilius’s maxims I like is “It is a bad plan that admits no modification.” You need to proactively make a plan, work your plan, update your plan, and repeat.

Always Be Generous

To your employees, customer, and community. Now is the time to step up and contribute your time, resources, and expertise wherever and whenever you can. Now is the time that your employees will need a more flexible working environment (time, equipment, support), ensure they have what they need for their peace of mind, and yours. You will be remembered for this.

Always Be Confidently Humble

Confident and humble are not two words that you would typically see paired together. In fact, many people see them as opposing traits. I do not. I see them as two balancing forces. Confidently humble for me means you have the ability to be confident without seeming arrogant, to be self-effacing while still projecting great competence. It’s the ability to lead and be led, to advise and to listen.

The framed picture that used to hang on my office wall now hangs on the office wall of my son, who — like many of you — is a Salesforce Consulting Partner navigating his way through the most turbulent seas he has ever seen. I’ll leave you with the quote that I shared with my son this week when we were talking about being confidently humble.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” - C.S Lewis

Be well everyone, stay strong and go and lead!



Ron Budreau
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem

Director-Partner Field Enablement, Serial Entrepreneur, Professor, Fitness Fanatic, Tough Mudder Competitor, CN Tower Stair Climb Elite Competitor, Avid Reader.