Headless Commerce for B2C Comes to the AppExchange

Ron Pereira
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
5 min readJun 16, 2021

Headless is hot. Don’t take my word for it. By 2023, 50% of new commerce capabilities will be incorporated as API-centric SaaS services according to Gartner’s Composable Commerce Must Be Adopted for the Future of Applications. 2023 is just 18 months away!

While headless commerce is hot, we also know that the term itself can be confusing. There isn’t a one size fits all approach to headless implementations. Companies with different requirements will tackle headless in different ways. We are seeing a lot of companies with mature technology teams choose a headless approach to give them the ultimate in flexibility.

But, that flexibility also introduces complexity.

Integrations are a big contributor to the added complexity. Every commerce implementation requires integrations to deliver a complete customer experience. From table stakes partners like payment, tax, and shipping, to innovations at the edge like social and AR. Complete digital experiences require many systems to interact with one another.

A move to headless shifts the integration from pre-built packages, like Commerce Cloud LINK cartridges, to integrations built and managed by the customer (often in a middleware layer like a BFF). This is a common challenge for every headless implementation.

As the company that invented the business app marketplace, we recognize that everyone benefits from an ecosystem of partners that collaborate to remove friction and ensure success, regardless of implementation choice. That’s why we are introducing Headless Integrations Guides for B2C Commerce on AppExchange.

Introducing Headless Integration Guides for B2C Commerce

While the diverse and flexible nature of headless implementations makes it impossible to create one size fits all integration packages, the headless integration guides inform and accelerate the headless journey by answering questions like:

  • Which partners provide guidance on headless integration?
  • What is the level of effort required to complete an integration?
  • What best practices should I follow when doing an integration?

For developers, guides kickstart the project with a blueprint that will greatly accelerate the overall process.

And, as with every app on the AppExchange, these guides went through the very same comprehensive security processes as Salesforce’s own products.

Check out headless integration guides from our trusted AppExchange partners, including:


With Magnolia, editors and digital retailers can create engaging content beyond simple store fronts — including compelling calls to action with direct links to product detail pages. Editors can centrally manage content and roll it out globally to all markets and in multiple languages. They can also plan and create campaigns with WYSIWYG and preview capabilities. With a Headless integration, you can amplify your content commerce experience and increase sales by combining the power of Magnolia with the Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) APIs. Whether you are already using Magnolia or have recently decided to ‘up your customer experience game’, this integration will effectively and quickly connect these systems.


NewStore is a turnkey omnichannel store platform that includes mPOS, Store Inventory, Returns, and much more. The NewStore Associate Application is used by store associates during a customer’s in-store shopping experience. It provides visibility into products and customer history to empower the associates to create a more compelling shopping experience. The integration described in the Headless Guide enriches the NewStore application with information from Salesforce Commerce Cloud to empower store associates to view a customer’s online shopping activities.


Algolia provides API platforms for dynamic experiences that enable organizations to predict intent and deliver results. Algolia achieves this with an API-first approach that allows developers and business teams to surface relevant content when wanted — satisfying the demand for instant gratification — and building and optimizing online experiences that enhance online engagement, increase conversion rates, and enrich lifetime value to generate profitable growth. The Algolia Headless Guide for Integration with Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C allows the customer to build a unique search experience, to index content from different data source on a cloud-hosted search engine, and to build fast Search and Discovery experiences.


Yotpo is a leading eCommerce marketing platform, helping thousands of forward-thinking brands accelerate direct-to-consumer growth with advanced solutions for reviews, visual marketing, loyalty, referrals, and SMS. Yotpo’s headless, API-first cloud-based architecture for Reviews & Visual User Generated Content (UGC), enables brands to easily collect reviews, photos, and videos from customers. Yotpo intelligently displays them throughout the buyer journey to build trust, social proof and increase sales.


Adyen is the payments platform of choice for many of the world’s leading companies, providing a modern end-to-end infrastructure connecting directly to Visa, Mastercard, and consumers’ globally preferred payment methods. Adyen delivers frictionless payments across online, mobile, and in-store channels. Adyen provides options to leverage our pre-built solution or our API-based integration. The former is meant to afford simplicity and fast time to market while the latter allows for full control and customization. The B2C Commerce Headless Integration Guide provides direction for those merchants and/or integrators that wish to employ a headless construct for payments within Salesforce B2C Commerce, Headless / Commerce APIs — decoupling payment logic from their web storefront to a shared backend stack.

Customer success is a value that Salesforce shares with its AppExchange partners. Headless Integrations Guides for B2C Commerce on AppExchange provide our joint customers with the blueprints to assess and accelerate their Headless implementation journey. Be on the lookout for many more on the way.

Visit the Headless Integrations Guides on AppExchange today.



Ron Pereira
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem

Ecosystem and partner product management and strategy @Salesforce @CommerceCloud. #datageek and recovering entrepreneur.