Better Together: How a BPM and Salesforce Integration can Benefit your Business

American engineer, professor, and management consultant W. E. Deming once said:

“If you can’t describe what you are doing as a process, you don’t know what you’re doing”.

Everything is a process: from your everyday life to your business, you can always describe everything that happens as a result of evolving statuses that follow a certain logic.

In regards to business process management (BPM), the ability to create repeatable, effective strategies is vital to the long-term health and agility of an organization, and the integration of your BPM software with Salesforce can be a driving force behind the growth of a business.

Here’s how, with a little help from solutions found on the AppExchange, you can integrate your BPM software and Salesforce to unlock growth and collaboration within your organization.

Why Does Business Process Management Matter?

Business processes are the core element of your company and a process-driven approach to business can help in several ways: for example, automating routine operations can save time and energy spent or supporting actions and operations with actionable data can improve a lot of your workers’ job. This particular business methodology goes under the acronym “BPM” (Business Process Management): the discipline that involves “[…] any combination of modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement and optimization of business activity flows, in support of enterprise goals, spanning systems, employees, customers and partners within and beyond the enterprise boundaries”, according to the Workflow Management Coalition definition.

A standard BPM Lifecycle with its phases and sequence

Now, the modern business climate is getting more competitive day by day and it’s pretty difficult to monitor and control properly business processes, you may end up with heavy flows that seek to manage too many activities or with processes so complex that are uncontrollable. Furthermore, the risk is to optimize processes quality for the needs of others and not for the needs of those doing or receiving the work: BPM platform vendors have actively encouraged a world where the “systems”, not people, are issuing orders according to the company business logic. You can just imagine how much fun that is for your employees or even more brutal, for your business, trying to put that approach on your customers. Today, for these reasons, BPM is not as much spoken about in enterprise circles: some even claim that the BPM game is over, BPM is dead, due to its view focused only on the “inside” of a business organization.

Creating Value Through Collaboration

As a response to nowadays increasing global market competition, in the last decade, some companies in various industries tend to focus on another approach: manage customer relationships to increase business performance. Towards the end of the 1990s and in the early 2000s, many Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems were rolled out with an extensive focus on the customer view and customer experience. This includes Salesforce, which set itself apart by delivering CRM in the cloud.

Herein lies the opportunity to create value for your company by bringing together BPM and Salesforce, unleashing the combined power of data and process management.

A typical CRM process described with the BPM standard notation (BPMN)

An AppExchange Solution for Integrating your BPM and Salesforce

A BPM and Salesforce integration can give you the ability to manage complex business processes with ease, leverage all the data that you have, better understand the status of your business, discover and fix bottlenecks and discrepancies, and improve company performance continuously. Within the Salesforce platform, a BPM app can easily be deployed and used, with a no-code configuration and fast implementation.

Entirely built on Salesforce and available on the AppExchange, ProcessClick acts as a BPM and addresses the need to design and maintain complex business processes, improving the governance and enforcing the design directly at execution time. ProcessClick is an accelerator that reduces the gap between solution/architect design and developments, achieving efficiency in the realization of software applications, replacing common operations and repetitive coding tasks with a structured and maintainable approach, with an easier configuration of process operations, to deliver a higher degree of control over architecture quality and consistency, with agility in case of changes on processes.

The results are incredible: in one move you can avoid data silos, discard monolith applications, prevent system redundancies, and so on. It’s not just about automating some repetitive processes or tasks: it’s having your business under control, ready to handle any change that could happen, and developing a constant improvement in your business efficiency.

BPM and Salesforce are both powerful and useful management tools. But until now, they’ve mostly been utilized as two separate tools. Today, we’re able to integrate Salesforce and BPM solutions, to benefit your users, your customers, and your business. With this great combination, your business can reach new heights.

Check out ProcessClick on AppExchange.

