How Giving Back is in Acumen Solutions’ DNA, from CEO to New Hire

Margie Johnson
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
5 min readOct 30, 2019
Acumen Solutions employees pose for a photo after volunteering at a local farm.

The core values shared with a handful of employees working in a small office in northern Virginia in 1999 are the same ones that we impart today to the 900+ Acumen Solutions’ employees across the globe. Giving back has been part of our DNA since the beginning, and we celebrate our commitment to service as it impacts our communities, employees, and company.

Inspire others to give back — because it’s the right thing to do.

When we created our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, our goal was to provide opportunities for employees to connect with each other and make a measurable impact within the community. Over time, we have expanded our activism on, and our investment in, the issues that matter to our employees, customers, and communities. We recognized that sharing the valuable skills of our employees could make lasting and dramatic improvements in the business operations of organizations serving the needs of their communities. Equally as valuable was the opportunity to introduce employees to outstanding organizations, and the critical needs of those in their own cities. When employees realized that they could personally make a real, measurable difference so close to home, it became a perfect match.

Since the 2007 launch of the Acumen Solutions’ Global Pro Bono Initiative, over 43 projects have been delivered to deserving nonprofits across the US, UK, and Canada, valued at over $2.8M in total. Each three-month project engages a diverse team of employees, who commit an average of 3–5 hours per week of skilled services, to provide a sustainable resolution that significantly improves the nonprofit’s business operations.

Leadership is more than just talking about giving back.

Our CSR programs draw interest and engagement from the CEO down to the newest hire. We customize and incorporate activities in each of our 10 geographic locations that introduce local organizations and educate our employees on the needs of their communities.

The achievements of our community efforts speak to the quality and character of Acumen Solutions’ employees and our shared commitment to creating a culture that delivers real value to our local communities. Our CSR program remains one of the highest employee-valued aspects of our company. We frequently hear from recruits and new hires that our community commitment is a driving factor in their joining the company. We commit our time, talent, and resources because we believe that it’s the right thing to do. We work hard for our clients to deliver groundbreaking solutions to improve their businesses, and we apply that same expertise and commitment to our unparalleled social responsibility program. Our goal is to generate sustainable impact to those in need around the globe.

Through the pro bono program specifically, employees have the opportunity to engage in technical consulting challenges that may be outside of their daily work or current skill set. The program enables them to work on new software, technology, and business processes, take on new project roles, and work with clients facing a unique business need. The engagement also offers employees the opportunity to meet new colleagues and expand their Acumen Solutions’ network while contributing to an important community need.

Develop your own in-house program to make your community a better place.

We are proud of Acumen Solutions’ in-house pro bono effort — employees look forward to applying each and every year! Here’s how we run our program — perhaps it can help inspire you and your company to develop your own in-house efforts!

The Global Pro Bono Initiative is executed over an 8-month period (February-September) and consists of four phases, which are published through our internal CSR Portal on the Salesforce Platform.

Phase 1: Employees submit nonprofits as potential client candidates

  • Approved Nonprofits are sent an invitation to apply
  • Nonprofit applications reviewed to ensure appropriate deliverables per program guidelines and resources
  • Selected organizations are notified and CSR Portal is updated with project options for employees

Phase 2: Employees submit applications to volunteer as a team member

  • Employee teams are designed to include diversity in gender, tenure, and skillset
  • Employees must be in good standing and commit to program guidelines
  • Preference is given to first-time volunteers whenever possible

Phase 3: Selected Pro Bono Projects

  • CSR Portal is updated with employee teams and project deliverable details

Phase 4: Overview of pro bono project summaries shared for employee reference

  • Historical details provide an overview for new hires and employees that are new to the program

Pro Bono Projects are executed with the same professional expectations as our billable clients. A co-signed Statement of Work (SOW) is required for all projects before work is initiated. A specific Success Metric is required of each project. This is a measurable component of change, showing a result of the project and process improvement. This data point is established before the project is initiated and evaluated at 6-months post-delivery.

Project teams meet regularly to ensure project milestones are met in accordance with the timeline, or to address any project issues. The assigned Project Manager meets with the delegated Corporate Care Specialist on a bi-weekly basis to review project status and updates. This ensures that any project roadblocks or concerns are resolved in a timely manner.

At the project conclusion, each team meets with their nonprofit contact, the organization’s Executive Director, and the Board of Directors to present the final deliverable. There is a closing celebration event hosted in each office with the team, leadership representation, and nonprofit partners. This is a great way to acknowledge the contribution of all involved — our employees, the nonprofit, and their recipients.

The experience for employees is both professionally and personally rewarding. Employees who successfully complete and contribute to the final deliverable receive Corporate Contribution credit for their participation in the program. This credit is incorporated into their annual employee evaluation framework.

Even better, oftentimes, employees choose to continue volunteering with the select nonprofit after the project completes — having become personally connected to their mission. A nonprofit client shared, “Acumen Solutions has effectively built a culture of giving and engagement where its employees are truly interested in applying their skills, knowledge, and resources to philanthropy.” We couldn’t agree more!

Before starting a pro bono program or taking on a pro bono project yourself, we highly recommend taking the Volunteer Your Salesforce Expertise trail by You’ll learn best practices for delivering pro bono services to nonprofit and education customers. #GivingBackIsAGoodThing



Margie Johnson
AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem

Experienced professional committed to the employee experience and social responsibility.