How Salesforce AppExchange Benefits The Enterprise Level HRs

AppExchange and the Salesforce Ecosystem
4 min readMay 10, 2022
Three women stand together talking and laughing at a recent Salesforce event.

Do you ever wonder what has fueled the popularity of automation tools lately in the recruitment industry? One of the reasons can be that talent acquisition companies are now automating their exhaustive recruitment tasks, which leaves the recruiters ample time to strategize other significant job aspects.

Take the current state for instance — with the hiring volume predicted to be increasing as opposed to the shrinking recruitment teams, the need for automation will only strengthen. Hiring the right talent will depend on not just the recruiter’s caliber, but also their ability to intelligently automate the hiring workflows to lead them to accurate candidate data.

There’s no second thought that automation in hiring is the next big thing. It is transforming the conventional approach recruiters used to follow when finding and hiring candidates. When streamlining the recruitment process, the intuitive software reduces the errors involved in manual resume screening and lines up-skilled and proficient candidates.

Salesforce AppExchange bridges this gap between the need for an ERP-level recruiter for an automated recruitment tool and the licensed resume parser engineered to enhance hiring quality.

Let’s look at how automation in hiring through resume parser in Salesforce AppExchange makes a difference.

The other ways a resume parser helps include:

An Enhanced Quality of Hire

A resume parser enhances a recruiter’s efficiency and boosts the quality of the candidates eligible for filling the job posts. It facilitates skilled-based hiring that projects a job’s success.

Eliminating variables that have to do nothing with the skills required to complete the job successfully ensures better candidate selection. This is particularly significant in the ERP division, where there are more hires, and the recruiters have to review hundreds of resumes daily.

Improved Candidate Experience

The happiness of the target audience is directly proportional to the business’s success. Similarly, the contentment and happiness of the candidates are directly linked to the recruiter’s benefit. AI-driven resume parser in Salesforce AppExchange does precisely that.

By automating the first step of the recruitment process, i.e., simplifying the job application process, a company introduces a candidate to a very streamlined practice that carries forward faster responses and subsequent hiring.

Unbiased Recruitment

Numerous hiring biases can affect the talent acquisition process to a great extent. However, screening and short-listing candidates will remove unconscious bias with a resume parser and give a database of candidates who match the skill, ensuring that the candidate selection process is objective.

Resorting to automation to discover perfect candidates and avoid unconscious bias results in a diverse workforce that’s knowledgeable and skilled.

Reduced Hiring Time

A job position that goes unfilled costs the company productivity and profitability each day. Automating the candidate hiring process can significantly reduce the overall hiring time and eventually render a positive candidate experience.

Plus, a speedy hiring process gives a competitive edge over the competitor recruiters seeking to hire talented professionals.

Now that we know how a resume parser benefits ERP recruiters to streamline the hiring process, the next big question is which resume parser in Salesforce AppExchange provides the exact solutions.

RChilli resume parser is engineered to ease the talent acquisition process while eradicating the biased approach and a lengthy job application process among the array of parsers available. The parser facilitates the Salesforce users to integrate the AI capabilities within their recruitment environment.

The other benefits include:

Auto-Fills the Data Fields

The recruiters spend most of the time scrutinizing resumes, and this is where most of the errors happen. RChilli resume parser in Salesforce AppExchange frees the recruiters from the exhaustive task of manually screening the resumes. The parser automatically populates the data fields selected by the recruiter and fetches the candidate data, saving up to 89% of the recruiter’s precious time.

Bulk Resume Import

RChilli’s resume parser gives the recruiters access to parse multiple resumes in a go, whether ten or hundreds of resumes. In return, they get structured data of candidates that get automatically stored in the Salesforce account.

Integrate Email Inboxes

One of the major dilemmas of the recruiters is a late realization that they’ve lost talented candidates because their CVs got lost within the emails. The parser helps recruiters access the entire candidate CVs laying in single or multiple email inboxes.

Data Fields Configuration

With bias-free recruitment becoming the focal point of nearly every recruiter, the easy data field configuration of the parser ensures that only skilled candidates are hired. Biases like gender, color, ethnicity, age, and more can be looked past once the recruiter selects skills based on 140 fields.

The Final Thought

The role of hiring managers or recruiters is changing as hiring automation increases. By reducing the hiring time and increasing the quality of hires, the recruiters can be more proactive and strategic in their roles. RChilli resume parser in Salesforce AppExchange is designed to cater to the significant aspects of the recruitment industry no matter how unique they are.

